UTS BiG Project Experience
Last week, I participated in the UTS BiG project. BiG was a 6-week extended hackathon ran by UTS Tech Society (IT Society) to prototype, develop, build, and deploy a fully functional app. Through BiG and the supporting events provided by UTS TechSoc, my team and I learned a lot, and by taking experience from previous hackathons throughout this year, we were able to perform faster and more efficiently.
In this hackathon specifically, instead of prioritizing functionality, we chose to focus on presentation and pitching. Whilst this initially seemed counter-intuitive, we later learned that in the early stages, pitching is more valuable than functionality, especially with no users. We additionally discovered that focusing on scalability and viability was key, and as a result, we were able to create a presentation pitch that my team was proud of.
I'd like to thank UTS TechSoc once again for allowing me and my team to participate in this project, and I'd like to thank Derek Liu and Bao Hoang for all their help throughout the BiG project.